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4 Questions to Ask Before Hiring Local Tree Removal Services

October 26, 2023

Is there a problem with one or more trees on your property? If so, you may need to call local tree removal services to help. After all, when it comes to overgrown tree roots, diseased trees, or trees injured by inclement weather, you don't want a safety or health hazard lingering on your property. Here are four questions to ask before hiring any local removal service.

1. How Much Experience Do You Have?

According to IBISWorld, as of 2023, there are over 148,800 tree-trimming services in the U.S. With so many professionals to choose from, you need to make sure to choose one with a wealth of experience. Experience isn't always the only sign of a quality professional, but it goes a long way. Removing trees can be dangerous, so you want a contractor whose experience has allowed them to gain a strong understanding of how to handle this type of work.

2. May I See Your References?

A professional with a good reputation should be able to give you a few references. As long as they've done well on past projects, they should be able to proudly provide the contact info of people who can vouch for their professionalism. Contacting a reference directly can give you peace of mind that the contractor can quickly, effectively, and safely remove a tree without any issues.

3. Do You Do Emergency Work?

Sometimes, you may need emergency services to remove a tree quickly. After inclement weather, a tree might get struck by lightning, bogged down by heavy rains, or knocked over by heavy winds. Therefore, you may have a tree that has fallen somewhere on your property and is blocking the area. If you have an injured or dying tree on your property that's too close to the house, it could fall on it without warning. Before you work with a tree removal service, make sure you can rely on them in short-notice emergencies.

4. Do You Have Insurance?

As mentioned, removing a tree can be dangerous work. Even an experienced contractor could injure themselves. Don't take the chance with somebody who is untrained or doesn't have insurance. If the tree contractor gets hurt on the job, having insurance ensures they'll be able to get proper medical care. As a result, you won't be liable as a homeowner.

Local tree removal services are available to make your property as safe as possible. Sometimes tree removal is a necessary service to ensure no overwhelming danger is lingering near your home. For reliable tree removal services, contact Ultimate Tree Service today for a consultation.

tree removal company
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